laowuyanyu 发表于 2015-6-4 14:38 只看TA 1楼 |
[三级] [日本/三级] 痴漢電車.下着検札[474MB/RMVB/ED2K/CT] [日本/三级] 痴漢電車.下着検札[474MB/RMVB/ED2K/CT]【电影海报】: ![]() 【影片名称】:痴漢電車.下着検札 【影片格式】: RMVB 【影片大小】: 474MB 【影片时间】: 01:06:31 【有否有码】: 无碼 【解压密码】: 1234 【影片简介】: Twenty-four years before winning an Academy Award for his affecting musical drama Departures, director Yojiro Takita took the helm for this quirky Pinku eiga about a veteran detective searching for a priceless pearl. The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death. This film is also known as "Chikan Densha Shitagi Kensatsu" 【影片截图】: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 【下载地址】: 【电馿地址】:ed2k://|file|痴漢電車.下着検札.rmvb|497937574|82B66FF48AE7AAAE811FEC76D0AE2110|h=LEATOHKJ7EI5FWFSNR2CD3APWT53F7GD|/ |
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287095468 发表于 2015-6-4 21:00 只看TA 3楼 |
看视效好像黑白老胶片的感觉,不过更能突出女角肉肉的丰腴 痴汉电车系列真是经久不衰的题材啊,不过,只要是正常的男人,想想还真是期待啊 |
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wangyan130 发表于 2015-6-5 10:44 只看TA 5楼 |
日本著名导演泷田洋二郎(也是《入殓师》的导演)的黑历史,情色片里居然包含了历史、推理、搞笑、言情等诸多元素,最恶搞的是里面的电车痴汉居然叫松木清张,而且那扮相、举止明明就是在cos推理小说家松本清张![]() |
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mynickel2008 发表于 2015-6-5 19:41 只看TA 7楼 |
痴汉电车系列,绝对没有动漫好看,真人拍出来没那个味道,哈哈哈 |
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wdedabing44 发表于 2015-6-5 19:52 只看TA 8楼 |
【影片名称】:痴漢電車.下着検札 【影片格式】: RMVB 【影片大小】: 474MB 【影片时间】: 01:06:31 【有否有码】: 无碼 【解压密码】: 1234 【影片简介】: Twenty-four years before winning an Academy Award for his affecting musical drama Departures, director Yojiro Takita took the helm for this quirky Pinku eiga about a veteran detective searching for a priceless pearl. The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death. This film is also known as "Chikan Densha Shitagi Kensatsu" |
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chb1314901 发表于 2015-6-6 01:07 只看TA 9楼 |
感谢楼主分享,片子还是蛮好的。剧情还可以 |
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